The CMP-CCNet Classifications Working Group invites public comment on the
taxonomy of conservation threats and actions. This taxonomy for
conservation projects is like the Linnaean nomenclature for species: a
hierarchical naming system so projects that work on similar topics can use
a common language to communicate and learn from each other.

The IUCN-CMP Unified Classification of Threats and Actions is intended to
break down communication barriers for conservation. Published in 2008, the
Classification has been used in tens of thousands of species assessments,
thousands of project descriptions and site evaluations, and by donors to
analyze grant portfolios. This taxonomy is not static, however, and some
classes work better than others. The Classifications Working Group, formed
May 2013 at the CMP-CCNet Rally, now invites you and interested colleagues
to help improve the taxonomy of conservation threats and actions by
proposing modifications and participating in discussions on changes and
related topics.

For example,
- Should disease be considered a separate category of threat?
- How should threats to cultural heritage be incorporated into the
taxonomy, if at all?
- Should the taxonomy distinguish between actions that act directly from
actions that enable other actions?
- Should the classifications, which now only exist in English, be
translated into other languages? Which ones?

To participate in revising the Threats and Actions:

1) Register for Griffin Groups:

2) Log in:

3) Click the "Request membership" button on the IUCN-CMP Threats & Actions
Taxonomy Update group page:

4)  Shortly after you have done this, a group administrator will accept
your request. You can then click the link for the Threat or Action you
would like to revise and add a comment to suggest edits, splits, merges,
and changes to the terms, definitions, and/or expositions.

Thank you for your interest in this community initiative and please
distribute widely to colleagues. The review comment period goes through
February 2014. Don't delay and comment today!


The CMP-CCNet Classifications Working Group

Edward J. Laurent, PhD
Executive Director
Connecting Conservation

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