Feel free to distribute the following announcement to any interested

The Missouri Botanical Garden is pleased to announce the Research
Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program that will provide research
opportunities for 10 students, for 10 weeks during the summer of 2014 (

Students will work on independent mentored projects in plant systematics,
conservation biology, and ethnobotany. For a complete list of projects
follow this link:

Participants will have access to a herbarium of 6.2 million specimens, an
excellent botanical library, rich garden collections, a laboratory with
facilities for plant anatomy, microscopy, digital imaging, SEM, and DNA
analysis, and the Shaw Nature Reserve - a 2,400 acre ecological preserve
featuring prairie, forest, glades, wetlands, and 14 miles of hiking trails.

To apply, please submit a cover letter, application form, letter of
recommendation, and transcripts.

Application Deadline - March 30, 2014

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