The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University is
recruiting one Ph.D. student and one M.S. student to start late summer /
early fall 2014 to study black bear ecology and conservation in Alabama. We
are also recruiting one additional M.S. student to study the human
dimensions of wildlife related to public perceptions of bears. The students
will be critical parts of a large, comprehensive effort to understand the
two small populations of black bear that inhabit the state and how to best
manage them.  The study will include wide-scale sampling for bears using
hair snares and other means, trapping of bears to affix GPS telemetry
collars, monitoring of denning, foraging behavior, and habitat use, DNA
analyses of the bear populations (and connectivity with bear populations in
other states), a public survey about bears and how to manage them, and the
generation of outreach and educational material. Opportunities exist for
the students to develop other research questions related to bear ecology
and management as well.

The students will be supported on a research assistantship (Ph.D.:
$19,140/year, M.S.: $16,540, both with full tuition waiver).

Applicants for the M.S. position in bear ecology should possess a B.S./B.A.
in ecology, wildlife sciences, or related fields. Applicants for the Ph.D.
position must possess an M.S. A minimum GPA of 3.0 and GRE scores of 150 on
each of the verbal and quantitative sections is required. Preference will
be given to applicants for the ecology positions who have field experience
studying large mammals (especially bears), GIS experience, experience with
DNA extraction and PCR amplification, and strong quantitative skills. Ph.D.
applicants should have demonstrated ability to published in peer-reviewed

Review of applications begins April 1, 2014, but applications will be
accepted until position is filled.

Interested applicants for either ecology position should send a cover
letter outlining their interests, career goals, and qualifications for the
project, CV or resume, copies of transcripts and GRE scores (unofficial
copies are OK for application review), and contact information for
references to Dr. Todd Steury via e-mail ( Interested
applicants for the human dimensions position should send the same materials
to Dr. Wayde Morse ( We prefer e-mail submission of
applications, but will accept regular mail (Todd Steury or Wayde Morse,
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, 3301 Forestry and Wildlife
Sciences Building, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849).

Todd Steury
Associate Professor
Auburn University

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