In my mycology class, I mentioned examples of parasitic fungi as food and
medicine, such as succulent stem of *Zizania latifolia* infected by *Yenia
esculenta* (*Ustilago esculenta*); necrotrophic parasites of insect adults,
larvae or pupae by caterpillar fungus (*Cordyceps sinensis*), certainly
including huitlacoche infected by corn smut fungus (*Ustilago maydis*) as

Tiehang Wu

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:08 PM, David Inouye <> wrote:

> At a dinner conversation with Carl Zimmer (author of Parasite Rex, etc.)
> the question came up of whether there are any parasites regularly consumed
> as food (not unintentionally with your food).  I came up with one animal
> (pea crab) and one fungus (huitlacoche; corn smut).  Do you know of others?
> David Inouye

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