Hello! The 2016 American Elasmobranch Society conference is now accepting
abstracts. This meeting will be July 6-10 in New Orleans, as part of the
Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.

This year, the featured symposium will be "the biology, ecology and
conservation of sawfish".

If you would like to submit an abstract to the meeting, the link is:




*David Shiffman*
*Ph.D. Candidate, Research Assistant,*
Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy <http://www.cesp.miami.edu/>

*e: *david.shiff...@gmail.com | *p: *412.915.2309

*t: *@WhySharksMatter <http://twitter.com/#!/WhySharksMatter> | *b: *Southern
Fried Science Blog <http://www.southernfriedscience.com/>
*w: **Lab website <http://sharktagging.com>  * | *cv:* *Online CV

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