I test unified RAM configuration and it works for me with some modifications.
   -. Replace SRAM by RAM hal_cortexm_kinetis_twr_k60n512.cdl to disable 
execution of SWI in
hal_reset_vsr (line 187). Execution of this part reset tower and flash code 
runs again.

   -. Lookup /dev/ser3 and make cyg_io_write instead of printf. Code with 
printf reset tower and
flash code runs again.

I also try to use cortexm exception support but it fails.
I install an exception handler with cyg_exception_set_handler for 
(vector 11 -> SVCall). I make a SWI call an I expect it to modify execution 
flow to call my exception handler.
SWI calls hal_default_svc_vsr and R3 get a dummy value not a function address 

Why software interrupt doesn't call hal_default_exception_vsr?

> Date: Thu, 5 May 2011 00:36:00 +0200
> From: ili...@siva.com.mk
> To: ecos-discuss@ecos.sourceware.org
> Subject: Re: [ECOS] Kinetis TWR-K60N512-KIT questions
> On 04.05.2011 12:46, jjp jjp wrote:
> > Hi,
> > It works with ecos toolchain and gcc-4.6 with -mcpu=cortex-m4!
> > Great job Ilija.
> Thanks for good words.
> I am testing some integer DFT code with gcc-4.6 / Cortex-M4. Shows
> performance improvement over M3 code even for plain C code.
> > My miktake was to put optimization flag to -O0 in global flags.
> > I will test your RAM configuration and give you feedbacks.
> I appreciate.
> Regards
> Ilija
> --
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