On 01.06.2011 08:43, Lambrecht Jürgen wrote:

> 2 remarks out of my experience:
> - Be aware that if you use JFFS2 as filesystem, that it is best
>  to use the node size as write buffer (after the fopen):
>   setvbuf(file, NULL, _IOFBF, PAGE_SIZE); //set stdio buffer size to jffs2 
> node size!

Good point. My server does not use fopen & friends - instead
the low-level open/read/write/close are used and the size
of the transfer can be configured using

> - FTP consumes a lot of sockets. But sockets in ecos are statically
> allocated, and their numer is set at compile time. So, when fastly
> changing from directory in an ftp session, the ftp server will hang
> for a while, waiting for sockets to be released.

You mean the sockets remain in the TIME_WAIT state, so they
are not available until a TCP timer expires? Good point.
The CD is probably not a problem, but any command using
the data connection can be. I don't know what eCos does
in this situation, but it is surely one thing to keep
in mind.

My port allows to both configure the max. number of clients
at runtime (max_nr_of_clients), so at least the number
of sockets actually used is bound.

> It could also be necessary to increase that default number - if
> I remember well, you have to increase the max number of open files
> instead of the max no of open sockets.

Yes, there are things that has to be adjusted when using
network applications using non-trivial amounts of sockets
and files.


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