Title: IBM Dialer for Harbinger Trusted Link for Windows 5.1

For all Trusted Link for Windows users, thinking about upgrading to Version 5.1:
There is a bug in IBM Dialer in Harbinger's current distribution package of Version 5.1.
The IBM Dialer simply doesn't work:-)
I have called a Customer Service and they are emailing me a 'fix'.
They've confirmed that it is a 'common' problem, however you will not find any information about it on the Harbinger's Website.

Just thought you would like to know.

> Ilia Chlaifer
> EDI Coordinator
>> Kids Headquarters / Wear Me Apparel
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> Bus:                    (212) 736-9266 x 152
> Bus Fax:            (212) 563-7959
> Email:                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> EDI Hotline:          (212) 736-9266 x 450
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