TrustedLink Enterprise (Harbinger, Peregrine, etc.) also has the same functionality as you mentioned (GUI Mapper, Desktop Controls, etc.).  They also have been an SAP partner for many years.
I hope this does not add to confusing the original question.  I just wanted to make sure that a great product (TrustedLink Enterprise) also received equal billing.
Best Regards,

Walter Pickel
Director, Internet Services

QRS Corporation    
1400 Marina Way South
MS 241
Richmond, CA 94804

510.215.3978 voice
510.621.3978 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Reese G. Riba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 12:22 PM
Subject: Fwd: Question - Which is better, GEIS or STerling software for Unix

We have been a Sterling Service Partner for over 5 years, primarily providing consultants for their Gentran: Server for Unix product.

We have put consultants on numerous accounts over the years. I would say that at least half of the sites we visit are SAP sites.

I cannot address the GEIS product directly, but do know Gentran has a proven SAP interface and has had so for a number of years.

In addition to a fast translation engine and highly configurable infrastructure and GUI-based mapper, it has available as an option the only desktop, GUI-based, monitoring and reporting interface on the market. It's not enough that the product does the job, but people have to be able to see what's been done and not done without being Unix/EDI experts.

Good luck with your evaluation.

Does anyone have recent experience with GEIS' AI EDI software and Sterling's
Gentran Server for Unix, and integration with SAP?     If you do, how would
you compare the two as far as ease of integration with SAP, ease of mapping,
ease of transaction status tracking, and ease of use in general?

Reese G. Riba
Director, eSolutions
Drayton, Drayton & Lamar, Inc.
(706) 854-1145 ext. 208

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