the estimate of the standard error for a sample from a finite population is

At 12:39 PM 11/30/00 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>who knows an answer to the following question?
>Let's assume that I take a sample of e.g. 100 people. I ask them a
>question and, e.g. 50% say "yes". I construct a 90%-confidence interval
>and get a standard error of 11.6. Fine.
>However, this assumes that the population size is unlimited.
>If the population was 100, then I would not have any standard error.
>However, what if the population size is 200? How do I construct a
>confidence interval then?
>Anybody with an idea?
>Thanks in advance
>Nils Riemenschneider
>Sent via
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Paul R. Swank, PhD.
Professor & Advanced Quantitative Methodologist
UT-Houston School of Nursing
Center for Nursing Research
Phone (713)500-2031
Fax (713) 500-2033

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