On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 09:52:30PM +0100, Eugen Dedu wrote:
> Well, ekiga migrated to testing on 4th november...
> Anyway, I noticed that sometimes all the codecs get selected when installing
> or upgrading.  I will analyse this, it is on my todo list.
> (It is an ekiga problem, not a debian one.)

Ok. I guess Kilian is listening to this list, so I wasn't planning a
debian bug report.

I looked back to that original dumpcap file and indeed the problem
INVITE was 1568 long while the MTU was (of course) 1500.

I have now noticed the ICMP fragment reassembly error packets *were* passed
back through the firewall to ekiga (well the right port). Should ekiga
not have repackaged the INVITE? Or at least reported the error?

Maybe this is in the wiki: I ought to check.


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