
Make *sure* you follow Tigertronic's setup procedures for the 
SignaLink.  Pay special attention to the part about audio levels both 
input and output.

For my SignaLink, my MIC gain is about 29 and LIN OUT is about 10 (it 
may vary from rig to rig).  Compression is 0 (or off), but I *think* 
compression is "unsettable" in DATA A.  Inside the SignaLink, my 
transmit jumper is strapped and my receive jumper is un-strapped.

Do what Don said about putting it in test and set the ALC.  Once you get 
that done, take it out of test.  Don't do like me and leave it in test.  ;)

Joel - W4JBB

On 4/23/2012 11:13 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
> Gerald,
> Your SignaLink by default is plugged for Mic level output - and if you
> have the SignaLink line out cable connected to the K3 Line-in, you need
> to change a jumper to increase the audio out to line level (see the
> SignaLink instructions).  Currently, you do not have enough audio coming
> into the K3.
> Whatever the situation with SignaLink and the K3 connections, you need
> to see 4 bars solid on the ALC scale with the 5th bar flickering.
> Set the K3 into TX TEST (no RF output) while you play with those level
> settings.  Once you have achieved the correct audio drive levels, all
> should be downhill from there - adjust the power knob for the desired RF
> output power and make contacts.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 4/23/2012 11:57 PM, KC6CNN wrote:
>> Ok, Let me start again, but this time from the computer.
>> I have a Elecraft K3 and it is hooked up to a signalink. Going to my lap top
>> which is running a older version of HRD. I decode PSK31 fine business. I am
>> putting out about 25 watts and have yet to make a contact. I did name a
>> contact on CW, but everything I try in PSK doesnt work.
>> I check out what Don had told me and I do not have anything showing on the
>> ALC in Data A mode.
>> No matter if I turn up the line in gain or the tx knob on the signalink.
>> My output meter shows 25 watts, but no alc. The compression is off. and I
>> have the center marker set for 1500 on the software.
>> agc is fast. atu in active, swr on 40 meters is 1.0 - 1 and am using fl1 2.8
>> as the transmit filter.
>> hope this helps explain some, so I can try to figure this out.
>> Thanks for all the replies and help. nice to have this reflector and a great
>> bunch of hams on here.
>> any and all ideals are greatly appreciated.
>> Gerald - KC6CNN
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