Chuck KI4DGH wrote:

Thanks, That is exactly what I did.  I put the screw in there to hold the
nylon shoulder in place while I worked on everything.  I removed the screw
and power came on.  Its nice to know that I am in good company.  BTW I
noticed that if I had gone to the KX1 Manual for trouble shooting that the
manual would have told me what I did and could have spared myself the public


Super. Those of us with the ready answers are usually those who have done
the same thing ourselves. 

Humiliation? Hardly. Just being human. I used to work on ships in port,
fixing things "Sparky" couldn't get right at sea. One of the first things
I'd say to Sparky when I went aboard was that he was going to be rather
irritated (P-O'd were the actual words) when I found the problem because
he'd know he had been looking at it all along. That was often true.
Sometimes it just takes a second pair of eyes to see what's under our noses

Any other questions, please holler! I've probably already made the mistake.
It's called "experience". 


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