Can really good CW filters be made for VHF? By "really good", I mean, say, 400 Hz bandwidth, less than 6 dB loss, 6:60 dB shape factor less than 3 to 1?

What about stability over the temperature range?

Going to be difficult.

From filter theory (see, e.g., Zverev) we know that the crystal Q and the filter fractional bandwidth are related by the equation:

qx = (delta fs/f0)*Qx

qx is the normalized Q in Zverev's prototype low pass filter table
delta fs is the flter bandwidth
f0 is the filter center frequency
Qx is the individual crystal Q needed to construct the filter.

I'll leave the details to the interested reader, but I plugged in these requirements (6 dB loss, 400 Hz bandwidth and 3:1 or better shape factor) into the equations and tables for a few typical designs, all at 45 MHz, a common IF frequency. (Go higher and the problem is proportionally worse; and you can't go much lower and still have an up-converting design for a maximum receiver frequency of 30 MHz.)

The results call for crystal Qs in the order of 1.5 million to 2.5 million, depending on the number of filter sections and design type.

I've measured quite a few crystals in the process of building and testing about 20 crystal filters for my pandapter design. The highest Q crystals I've found (these are all HC-49 case microprocessor crystals of the inexpensive variety) run around 100K to 110K, and a more typical value is 80K to 90K. I've also measured about 10% of a batch of microprocessor crystals as having Qs in the 30-40K range. Still perfectly OK for an oscillator but not so good for a low loss crystal filter. (If you go to a crystal manufacturer and purchase custom crystals for filter purposes, I believe you may see Qs closer to 200K if you are willing to pay for them.)

Now those Q values are perfectly adequate for a decent filter at 8 MHz, but are an order of magnitude or more short of adequate for a 45 MHz narrow band filter.

Crystals with Qs in the 106 range are possible and have been built, but the are not cheap and I don't know if they are available in the desired frequency range.

I have also not looked at issues related to the ratio of holder capacitance to motional capacitance and some other design considerations, as the minimum Qx seems to be a show stopper.

There are some many practical problems with the holder capacitance, stray capacitance and the like that would make such a filter challenging, even if someone were to deliver a box of 45 MHz crystals with measured Qs of 2 million to my doorstep. And if the box of crystals arrive, to obtain frequency stability might require stabilizing the filter assembly in a temperature controlled oven.

The typical roofing filters at 45 MHz have a bandwidth of 20 KHz or so. Thus the fractional bandwidth is 50 times larger and the Qx is down into the 100K range, making these filters relatively easy to realize.

Jack K8ZOA

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