
I've been quite happy with a B+K 2704B I got a few years ago for about $50; a quick Google search for 2704B shows they're now $60.

In addition to the usual current, voltage, and resistance it can measure transistors (if you want to match them, though it doesn't do frequency response), frequency to 15 MHz and capacitors from 1pF to 20uF. The capacitor function is particular useful for kit building, since capacitor labels are sometimes small or hard to understand. Bigger capacitors that are big enough that you can read the label, hi hi. It won't matter for a K3.

If you want a step up from Sears and Radio Shack, visit Circuit Specialists doesn't list BK meters at this time, but their CSI65 at $35 looks similar, and is $25 cheaper than the B+K's

Sometimes for peaking a DMM with a bar graph or a real meter (D'Arsonoval) is better, but the bar graphs can be slow and the cheap modern analog meters often load down the circuit too much (not high enough input impedance).


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