On Sun, 16 Apr 2006 11:10:58 -0700, Leigh L. Klotz, Jr. wrote:

>Here are some pictures of how I put in PowerPoles.  Take a look at what
>I did and you might find a better idea...

  I am an avid user and supporter of Anderson PowerPoles.  I buy mine
  by the dozens for installation on my gear and that of the three ARES
  fixed installations that I support.

  What I do - and it's a lot easier - for such devices as power
  supplies or charger/battery combos is to cut the existing external
  cable about a foot or so from the end, install a pair of PPs on the
  battery part of the cable and another pair on the clamp part of the
  cable.  No messing around with the innards of the devices, and if
  you need to use the device for its origibal purpose, it's ready to

  The key to the above is the quality of the crimps.  Although the
  ratchet tool is relatively expensive ($60 price class), the proper
  crimp makes all the difference in ease of installation and current
  capacity of the connector.

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane

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