Bill, consider a KX1.  I hadn't built any kits since the 1960's Heathkit
days, and I was pretty rusty.  I had become an "appliance operator".

I started with an Elecraft dummy load kit, and then a little oscillator, and
then I was ready for the KX1. It's a cool little radio.

Take a look at one of the assembly manuals (they're on the Elecraft web
site), this is a lot easier than the Heathkits were.  Because of good
quality PC boards and design and superb documentation, you'll find your way.
You need a few tools, get the right ones.  The Elecraft support staff is
great and it's very hard to fail.  Just work your way slowly and carefully
through the steps.  If at the end you just can't get it working, there are
people available to troubleshoot and get your kit working.

There's a real joy in making contacts with a radio you've crafted yourself.
The K3 is also a radio you build yourself, without soldering, which is
really necessary for us mere mortals because of the surface mount
technology.  But the KX1 (and K2 and K1) are perhaps even more engaging,
simply because you've crafted so much more of it.

73 de Dick, K6KR

(I have built a KX1, K2, KRC2, K3, and I have an unmade K1 kit just waiting
for a time when I have a breather...)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of KB1PXD
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Is the K3 shipping estimate really accurate?

Thanks to everyone who responded.  Lots of great advice.  It's
very encouraging to hear that the K3 is well worth waiting for.
I'm actually considering picking up a lower priced QRP rig such 
as the FT-817ND ($600), and using that in the interim.  Hopefully 
I'll be able to get most of my money back 4-6 months down the road 
when my K3 is ready. I'll also be exploring used rigs as well.  If anyone
has a K1 that they'd be interested in selling, please email me.  I thought
about ordering one but I'm not confident enough to perform the assembly.

- Bill, KB1PXD
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