Dear all,

Sorry for the radio silence. I have over-committed myself to too many things. I 
think I have now read the entire discussion on OCSP.

EAP-TLS with TLS 1.3 is a working group document so the text will reflect 
whatever the working group wants. The authors and contributors are at the 
service of the working group. Obviously it is easy for us to simply change all 
MUSTs to MAYs, make everyone happy, and hand over the document to the IESG.

Yet, I think as a conscientious security person and individual contributor, I 
am saddened by the discussion thus far. To begin with, I assume that everyone 
knows the difference between OCSP and OCSP stapling. I also hope that everyone 
has read RFC 5216 (the previous EAP-TLS specification). In particular I hope 
that the working group has actually read section 5.4 on "Certificate 
Revocation" ( I copy the 
relevant text here for your convenience:

   EAP-TLS peer and server implementations MUST support the use of
   Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs); for details, see Section 3.3 of
   [RFC3280]<>.  EAP-TLS peer 
and server implementations SHOULD also
   support the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), described in
   "X.509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status
   Protocol - OCSP" [RFC2560<>].  OCSP 
messages are typically much smaller
   than CRLs, which can shorten connection times especially in
   bandwidth-constrained environments.


   For this reason, EAP-TLS peers and servers SHOULD implement
   Certificate Status Request messages, as described in "Transport Layer
   Security (TLS) Extensions", Section 3.6 of 
[RFC4366]<>.  To enable
   revocation checking in situations where servers do not support
   Certificate Status Request messages and network connectivity is not
   available prior to authentication completion, peer implementations
   MUST also support checking for certificate revocation after
   authentication completes and network connectivity is available, and
   they SHOULD utilize this capability by default.

So we were already saying "SHOULD" for OCSP in 2008 when RFC 5216 was 
published. And now 12/13 years later, some people in the working group are 
suggesting to make the security stance weaker. For what? Some speculative 
insecure future deployments? Please note that EAP-TLS is currently implemented 
in billions of devices and used in many high security deployments.

It is very surprising to see Hannes wanting to water down security and get rid 
of the text on OCSP. He wrote "I do not understand certificate revocation 
checking is a topic specific to the use of TLS 1.3 in EAP-TLS.". Well, as you 
see, RFC 5216 has quite detailed guidelines on certificate revocation checking 
with CRLs and OCSP so I don't see any sensible reason on why an update to it 
should not contain relevant text. Michael wrote " we are under no additional 
compulsion to support revocation than we were before." Do you see the problem 
here given the text in RFC 5216 shown above?

While Elliot and Hannes have been vocal about their views, we also saw feedback 
from Janfred explaining the situation without OCSP in a live network like 
eduroam: He ends 
his email with

All in all, I definitely think that making OCSP Stapling optional will
have a benefit on small devices, but especially for the diverse
environment of eduroam, making OCSP Stapling mandatory will increase the
overall security of this federation.
Maybe it might be a good idea to make OCSP Stapling mandatory for
EAP-TLS Servers?

So where we are with the current draft. The current draft 
( says, 
"When EAP-TLS is used with TLS 1.3, the server MUST check the revocation status 
of the certificates in the client's certificate chain.". It doesn't mandate any 
specific technique. You are free to use whatever propriety (potentially 
insecure) method you want. The revocation checking could use the following 
pseudocode for checking the revocation status of client certificates:

fun check_revocation {
return success;

and you would comply with specification. Naturally, using CRLs or 
locally-configured OCSP responder on the server (for revocation checking of 
client certificates) will get you better security. The current text in the 
draft does mandate OCSP stapling for clients to verify the revocation status of 
server certificates. Given the resistance in the working group, I think it is a 
reasonable compromise for servers to implement OCSP stapling. Clients can 
implement and use it, but they would be compliant even if they don't. So the 
updated text would be (as Joe wrote in his email):

EAP-TLS servers supporting TLS 1.3 MUST implement Certificate Status Requests 
(OCSP stapling) as specified in Section of [RFC8446]. It is RECOMMENDED 
that EAP-TLS peers and servers use OCSP stapling for verifying the status of 
server certificates as specified in Section of [RFC8446]. When an 
EAP-TLS peer uses OCSP to verify the certificate status of the EAP-TLS server, 
it MUST use Certificate Status Requests for the server's certificate chain and 
it MUST treat a CertificateEntry (except the trust anchor) without a valid 
CertificateStatus extension as invalid and abort the handshake with an 
appropriate alert.

Note that this is also compliant with the NIST SP 800-52 Rev. 2.

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