I second that

On 18/03/15 14:00, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On Tue 2015-03-17 22:51:18 -0400, Ian Mann wrote:
>> I have used the beta, and participated in nightly, and 1.8 is perfect to me. 
>> I like it just how it is.
> I also think the message composition toolbar is a great usability
> improvement.  Thanks for all the hard work that went into making
> something that looks this simple :)
>> On 18/03/15 12:43, Doug Barton wrote:
>>> Were the buttons for encrypt and sign moved up to their own toolbar
>>> instead of the old icons at the bottom because the latter was too
>>> subtle? Would it not make more sense to put them in as default
>>> buttons on the Composition toolbar? Also the icons used seem very
>>> fuzzy to me.
> the icons at the bottom were two small for most people to notice, and it
> was not clear that users could interact with them.  The toolbar is an
> improvement, even at the cost of extra screen real estate.
>>> The "Attach My Public Key" button is almost certainly a bad idea, as
>>> it will cause new users to think that this is an action that should
>>> be done frequently, rather than rarely.
> This is one of the most common actions that new users *should* take,
> since their correspondents don't have their key yet.  I've hesistated in
> the past to ask people to send me their key because i didn't want to
> have to ask them to dig in the menu.  This makes it much esier.
>>> And given that most of my messages are unsigned and unencrypted I
>>> find the big red message to be ... offputting to say the least. Do we
>>> really want to encourage routine signing?
> I see this as comparable to browsers degrading the UI for http:
>   http://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/marking-http-as-non-secure
> This is entirely a good thing.  The red warning will go away if you
> encrypt, even if you don't sign.
> If we don't want to encourage routine signing, maybe the warning could
> stay red as long as it's unencrypted?  Or maybe it could be:
>  "This message will be signed <red>but is not encrypted</red>" ?
>      --dkg
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