On 18 February 2016 at 12:46, Kevin Fenzi <ke...@scrye.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 21:42:18 -0700
> Stephen John Smoogen <smo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ========================
>>  Apologies and So Forth
>> ========================
>> First, I would like to apologize for the delay in getting this post
>> done. I really didn't realize the amount of energy the trip would take
>> from me and how fuzzy brained I was for a week afterwords. Second, I
>> would like to thank the Open Source and Standards (OSAS) group at Red
>> Hat for sponsoring me that week. I believe I got a lot of things done
>> and that we can work on getting Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux
>> (EPEL) moving forward in some direction. Third I would like to thank
>> everyone who took the time to talk to me at one of these places to
>> tell me about what they were able to do with EPEL and what they were
>> no longer able to use it for.
> Thanks for talking to folks and writing this up!
> ...snip...
>> * The packaging guidelines for each EPEL version are not clear. This
>>   is mainly due to the fact that they are usually based off of older
>>   versions of Fedora (Fedora-6 for EPEL-5, Fedora-12 for EPEL-6, and
>>   Fedora-18 for EPEL-7) that may conflict with each other or with how
>>   things are being done in current EPEL.
> I've always gone with: "Fedora guidelines apply except for these small
> changes", but yeah, we could be better about those changes. Tibb's
> recent macro works might reduce these, but I don't think we can ever
> get to 0.

One of the requests was to have snapshots of the guidelines that we
worked each channel against so that it was clearer what 5 wanted
versus 6 wanted.

>> * EPEL does not have a regular release structure like Fedora and RHEL
>>   have. There isn't an EPEL-5.11 channel with an epel-updates-5.11
>>   where updates are available. Because of various repository
>>   limitations, this means that directories aren't able to keep
>>   multiple old copies so downgrades when things do break aren't easy.
> Yeah. I think we could include 2 versions of everything (at the cost of
> 2x of the mirror space and bandwith), but then you have things like
> foo-1.0 has a major security bug and foo-1.1 came out to fix it, and
> you trick someone into downgrading or installing the old one and
> exploit them. ;(

If we don't delete them from koji we aren't fixing anything because if
I can trick you to downgrade, I can trick you to go to the version in
koji because it has the fix needed. [Since I have seen people talk
about their systems getting broken into after they did exactly that..
I think it isn't going too far in assumptions :)]

>> * EPEL promises to keep things stable and only update for fixes, but
>>   this is only done on a few packages where others get upgraded to and
>>   fro. There does not seem to be much "steering" or "release
>>   engineering" of what is in the trees.
> Yeah, I think mostly this is due to the fact that there is not anyone
> who works on EPEL full time. Everyone who does things does them in
> their "spare" time, so having some kind of micro scrutiny isn't in the
> cards. ;(
> I think we could improve this with more feedback... when an
> incompatible upgrade goes out, ask people to note it so we can talk to
> the maintainer and ask them not to do that kind of thing.

Or not promise it at all. I think the underlying issue is that people
think we do have full-time people working on EPEL with the same
controls (if not more) than we have in Fedora.

>> * EPEL only covers part of Enterprise Linux (the Server product) but a
>>   lot of packages are for the Workstation but there is no way to see
>>   when things replace/conflict with them. [People believe that we
>>   build against the equivalent of CentOS-5/6/7 versus a subchannel.]
> Yeah, not sure how to fix that without a second workstation branch. :(

The only monstrosities I have thought of were:

which sounded like a ton of work for little benefit.

>> * EPEL sometimes has weird breaks between releases. The git in EPEL-5
>>   is newer than what is in EL-6 in a way that was breaking
>>   repositories when pushes were done from EL-5 systems.  [People
>>   believe there is a promise that such changes are tested against.]
> Huh, first I have heard of that one..

Me too. It took up half the short meeting because it broke CERN and a
couple other places.

>> I don't think anything above is new to people who have been
>> contributing to EPEL in the last ~10 years. A lot of the problems are
>> ones that were brought up in the beginning as we tried to square the
>> circle of differing use cases. However, I wanted to catalogue them
>> here and then make a promise that I will do my best to figure out ways
>> to solve them by FOSDEM 2017 in some form or another.
> It sounds to me a lot of it is communication. Perhaps we could figure
> out some way to more directly communicate with users.

OH yeah.. that was one of the items.. why is the website so old and
dead. I told them your story about trying to fix it up and finding
parts reverted over and over again. Someone recommended : Just start
from scratch and kill the old stuff. Which I think was part of the
"recharter" talks.

> kevin
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