On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:38 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

> I like the output display on http://jsfiddle.net/CxdMs/16/ a bit better. I 
> just tried it on very recent versions of 4 or the 5 major browsers. I was 
> shocked to see that all of them were wrong.
> Correct would be
>     number      number
>     object        object
> Chrome 19 gave
>     number      number
>     object        number
> Opera 12, Safari WebKit 5.1.3 (7534.53.10, r109097), and Mozilla FF Nightly 
> 13 all gave
>     number      object
>     object        object

We consider this a bug in JSC, in the great "make |this| correct" refactoring 
of 2011 we missed the getter/setter entries manually performing this conversion 
prior to calling the function proper...


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