Andreas Rossberg wrote:
I disagree. That is a bogus analogy. An object pattern is completely
different from a 'let'. In particular, the latter binds 'mom', but not
'dad' and 'auntie'. The proper equivalence (I wouldn't call it a

Right. The duality I've cited is between

  let o = {p: q};


  let {p: q} = o;

where q and o change places.

Dave's suggestion of

  let {p as q} = o;

does read better in my subjective opinion, even though it diverges the pattern langauge (moreso; already diverged) from the object literal language.

  would be

        let {unidentifiedAdult : mom as dad as auntie} = peopleComstants;
        let mom as dad as auntie = peopleComstants.unidentifiedAdult;

You cannot even express it without a compositional 'as'.

Agreed. But is it unthinkable to have 'as' (compositional of course) in the pattern language only? I bow to your SuccessorML skills :-).

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