gaz Heyes wrote:
On 27 June 2012 15:59, Allen Wirfs-Brock < <>> wrote:
> I don't see why the above issue would be a problem with this quasi proposal, as quasi do no implicit evals or implicit reevaluation of substitution values.
> Consider this code:
> var USER_INPUT = getUserInput(); // assume the value returned is "${globalVariable}"
> var message = `USER_INPUT`; //The value of message is the string "USER_INPUT", no substitution occurred
> var messageWithSub = `${USER_INPUT}`; //The value of messageWithSub is the string "${globalVariable}", literally. No eval is performed.

I understand the syntax now and I was correct with my initial assumptions.

Ok, I knew you knew what I thought you knew ;-).

Although eval isn't performed on the placeholder text, you can access variables from outside the scope intended. For example:

var cookie=document.cookie, x =1;

If an injection occurs within the Quasi-Literal then you can use unintended variables because there is no strict definition of which variables substitution should occur. I also wonder if the syntax is extended to support access object properties if this is a further security risk.

var x =1; //intended to use this variable

It seems to me this is similar to having variable access inside string literals and presents a real security risk even when a developer escapes a quasi literal correctly.

Let's define risk:

risk = probability * cost

Assume fixed high cost of injection attack (they're bad).

Probability, or observed likelihood, is non-zero in JS today. People write string-concatenation-based formatting APIs, they call them with unsanitized arguments that interpolate, they're pwned.

Does adding quasiliterals change this probability appreciably?

Maybe it does raise probability for the unprefixed case, but the concatenation-based APIs still exist. You could argue that `SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Passwd = '${pwn_me}'` is an attractive nuisance.

On the other hand, safesql`SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Passwd = '${cant_pwn_me}'` support and developer evangelization means we have an affordance beyond library code to reduce the probability of injection attacks.

Hard to say more without empirical studies, but I see plus and minus and can't jump to the conclusion that risk goes up just from the design of quasis.

It's true one could evangelize a sanitizing API like the Caja one on which quasis were based. But developers fail to use such APIs. Several reasons I see:

1. They have to procure and load a library (true for safesql in the quasis case too, unless we standardize some functions -- which we could).

2. They have to pay the price of calling the API.

3. The API has overhead in parsing the format string.

Quasis address 2 in part, and 3 to a large extent if not completely (by parsing literal portions out of the format string in the JS compiler).

Quasis have other virtues as noted: multiline strings and regexps, even without any interpolation via ${...}.

Martin Johns among others has researched injection vulnerabilities. His SAP research page:

His old University of Passau home page:

Technical report:

Slide deck I recall from Dagstuhl 09141, and relevant to this thread:

This deck is about "Language-base prevention of code injection vulnerabilities". It is not all relevant to quasis, but some of the goals and especially the conclusions are:

* reliably [prevent] string-based code injection,
* can be used for existing languages/frameworks/servers,
* [allow] integration of the complete foreign syntax,
* [preserve] (most of) the string-type conventions,
* and is applicable for all foreign language types
* Query, mark-up, general purpose, hybrid, …

There's no free lunch in defending against injection attacks. As Martin notes, you can add cumbersome constructive APIs, but practically no one will use them. You can go hog-wild with language integration, e.g. LINQ, E4X; but these are very costly to standardize. You can support "pre-processing", but that is a build step.

Quasis are trying to be an in-language programmable "pre-processor", so no build step. Instead you need to prefix the `...` with safesql where that identifier resolves (just like any identifier expression) to a function that takes the pre-processed raw and cooked literal portions, and the expressions to interpolate in between each literal portion.

Will programmers use quasis such as safesql and safehtml, where today they do not procure and use the library equivalents? Maybe, because the syntax is better due to in-order literal and expression portions, and the JS implementation does the raw/cooked string parsing and escaping.

It's hard to do more, in-language (again, LINQ, E4X -- just say no). Doing nothing leaves us as vulnerable as today. Unprefixed quasis could add likelihood of vulnerability (your concern).

This is not a topic with a clean, low-cost-lunch solution. Developers have to care, and take extra steps of some kind. On this basis, I think quasis are a net win, even excluding the multiline string benefit.

I don't agree that interpolation is riskier than concatenation, not without some evidence (perhaps there's been a study?).

Research tips welcome, I didn't look for other research than Martin's, with which I was already familiar. Cc'ing Mike Samuel in case he is behind on es-discuss, and Mark Miller.

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