Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
I think more general problem with arrow functions is that they can not capture object on which method call happened:

As I tweeted, this is true of any function that ignores |this| or binds it. Nothing new with arrows except the convenience.

We've been around that block and will go again. If we want convenient unbound-this function syntax, -> stands ready. I proposed it along with => originally but it was cut by TC39 during our March meeting in order to achieve consensus on =>.

If `` is an arrow function it has no way of knowing weather it was invoked as a function or a method. Neither it get's reference to an `object`. This makes composition between functional & OO styles components hard.

No, I don't think so. The ability of a function to ignore any parameter, including |this|, may frustrate composition, but the contract of an API includes mandatory parameterization of any funargs.

People deal with this pretty well in practice, usually by writing small-world codebases and wrapping anything unknown that needs contract-enforcement along these lines.

Passing owner `object` of the arrow method as first argument solves this problem, by making

just a sugar for

var foo =;
foo(object, bar);

This completely breaks functional abstraction, of course.




in JS should never pass more than one actual parameter to the callee, however it was declared or expressed.


Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-07-11 at 10:23 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

It is true that on could wrap arrow function into vintage one in order to reuse it as a method, but that is a poor mans workaround. As of motivation, all I really want is to have a synergy of different paradigms that are in the language.

What I really mean by that is, if one writes in a functional style:

var map = (list, f) =>
  reduce(list, (result, value) =>
     result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])

That should be reusable in OO code without any changes or wrappers: = map
List().map((x) => x + 1)

Also this complements another idea that I have posted a while ago:

Where I proposed to make private names functions:

var method = Name()
method(object, arg) // is just a sugar for

This will enable people to write code in OO or functional style and make it usable in other style:

var map = Name();
List.prototype[map] = (list, f) =>
  reduce(list, (result, value) => result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])

Which one will be able to us in a functional style

map(list, f)

or in OO


Also even if suggested changes to private names won't take of, it's still can be implemented as a library:

There for a way to author functions that also can be used as methods is relevant. Thin arrows would probably also solve this problem.

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-07-11 at 09:39 , Claus Reinke wrote:

function map(f) {
return this.reduce((result, value) => result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
var map = (list, f) =>
list.reduce((result, value) => result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])

Not sure I got your motivation, but would this help?

function fn(f) { return f(this) } // provide 'this' as explicit arg

let map = it => f =>
it.list.reduce((result, value) => result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])

let obj = { map: fn(map), list: [1,2,3] }; // wrap map as method => x+1);
map( {list:[1,2,3]} )(x => x+1);


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