If I understand this right, essentially the problem is that an exception
could occur when some of the involved code is not alive on the stack
(because the generator(s) are suspended), and without the ability to
capture this information, the end user has no actual knowledge of why the
exception occurred. Yeah?

That makes it hard to leave up to debuggers, since the debugger isn't aware
of your generator library and it's pretty hard to extend debuggers. This is
a common problem with custom task schedulers based on generators - we had
the same problem with imvu.task (debugging tasks in python) and I had the
same problem personally with my task scheduler in C#. The simplest
solutions (like aggressively capturing stack traces at some appropriate
point), even when they work, are pretty expensive.

Is it possible to 'throw into' an ES6 generator? I can't remember if that
made it in - in Python, at least, that allows you to basically terminate a
generator wherever it is, and through doing so potentially capture a stack
trace for the generator after it terminates, from the error bubbling up
through the generator... that is, if I remember the semantics for when
python sets/overwrites tracebacks correctly. Using such a mechanism, you
could reconstruct an 'accurate' stack trace for any number of suspended


On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Bruno Jouhier <bjouh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks David. The problem is that I need it first in node.js, and if
> possible with a standardized API that works in all ES6 JS engines.
> I see this as being similar to asking for a portable "stack" property in
> Error objects. I don't know if it is actually mandated by ES6 but it looks
> like all major JS engines support it now.
> Note that caller and callee would not work for my use case. I need the
> frame info for a generator object which has been suspended, not from the
> generator function itself.
> 2013/6/14 David Bruant <bruan...@gmail.com>
>> Le 14/06/2013 16:56, Bruno Jouhier a écrit :
>>  I'm using ES6 generators to implement a little async/await library and
>>> I'm quite pleased with the result so far but I'm lacking one API: a
>>> function to get stack information from a generator object. Ideally it would
>>> return the name of the current generator function, the filename and the
>>> line number where it last yielded.
>>> If I had this API I 'd be able to provide a complete trace of the stack
>>> of await calls when an exception is caught.
>> ES5 strict mode poisoned .caller and .callee. The reason is that it isn't
>> necessarily a good idea (security, maybe performance reasons as well) to
>> give authority to the runtime to inspect stack frames. It's more of a
>> debugger use case.
>> The Debugger API in Firefox (only available to "Chrome-level" privileged
>> code) has a way to know the function being called, and to navigate across
>> the different frames like the caller frame ("older" property) [1] and some
>> infos that help finding the function name, filename and line number.
>> David
>> [1] https://developer.mozilla.org/**en-US/docs/SpiderMonkey/JS_**
>> Debugger_API_Reference/**Debugger.Frame<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/SpiderMonkey/JS_Debugger_API_Reference/Debugger.Frame>
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