>From the error it looks like PHP wasn't compiled with MySQL support,
but you have php3-mysql listed as something you installed. 

Will with work with just mysql_connect()?

Create a page called info.php3 with just this in it:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

and load that page (info.php3) and scroll down and see what is listed
under MySQL.  If it is supported it will be there.  


> On 20010306.1243, Darrin Lajoie said ...
> My mistake on Saturday's post, simple commands in php are working. The mysql
> commands are not.
> Review: Debian potato(stable), stable versions of apache, mysql-server (&
> client), php3, php3-mysql, libmysqlclient6, php3-cgi-mysql, and all the
> other dependencies for the above.
> The message on the web browser is:
> Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_pconnect() in
> index.php3 on line 12
> Does anyone have a suggestion on where I might look next to get this thing
> going?

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