A lot of people in this chat group seem to subscribe to the belief that the
best thing to do about that damn show is to subscribe to the "ignore it and
it'll go away" philosophy.  You may recall that Michael Dukakis used that
strategy against George Bush the First, with rather negative results.  The
trouble is that if no one tries to respond publicly to that show, people
will tend to assume that it's because they don't HAVE a reply to it.  And
the accursed Rupert Murdoch is doing (with great success) something that has
never been done by a TV network before: he's not even trying to go in for
responsible journalism.  "If it sells, it's good" is his philosophy -- and
the less that responsible journalists fight this muck, the faster it will
spread.  (Its spread may be inevitable anyway, but we ought to at least make
some effort against it.)

Bruce Moomaw

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