Murphy's Law rules, period.
Advances in software methodology in recent years include the notion that one should write your test-cases FIRST, before writing the actual functioning code, after which you should write a test harness arranged to make you see the tests fail, so that you know that failure can be reported at all.  It's actually not a new idea (I think I first heard of it in the late 70s).  It just took a while to catch on.  One of the reported advantages of this approach is that you define your interfaces more carefully - interfaces being where systems (including aerospace systems) most often break down or go awry.
Of course, with software, you have the advantage that you can re-run your tests effortlessly with each build - you can even automate the process, so that no build is reported as complete unless all tests have passed.  Testing and re-testing costs serious money when you're developing exotic hardware, and it costs a lot more money when the test conditions are extreme and hard to reproduce.  Still, a "test-first/test-often" approach to building spaceworthy hardware might be worth investigating, even if the added costs forced some compromises in design and in performance.
-michael turner
----- Original Message -----
To: europa
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 1:37 AM
Subject: Murphy's Law Rules Outer Space

Some definite relevance to the exploration of Jupiter:

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