Whether they will decide to sell them to individual consumers, I don't know.

However, the bike share market serves a completely different purpose. As does the car sharing market, like car2go. There are many people who don't want to own a vehicle and there are many places that you may be that you, all of a sudden, need a vehicle but don't have one. Or, you have a vehicle but paying for parking is more expensive than a car or bike share.

Normally, with these car & bike shares, you don't pay anything unless you use the vehicle. So, there's no "pay every month". It's much more like renting a car or bike, but much, much more convenient.

Anyway, this is the first case I know of where you can rent a e-bike that looks like a small car.


------ Original Message ------
From: "EVDL Administrator via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Sent: 01-Jun-17 8:58:57 AM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] veemo

I like the idea of the vehicle itself, a human-electric hybrid.

Its looks, meh. It kind of reminds me of a squashed Chevrolet Spark, not
that looks really matter all that much to me.

The concept looks interesting. It's their business model that I don't care

It seems that they're saying "You're not allowed to own this, but pay us
every month and we'll let you use it in your city on whatever terms we
decide to dictate to you. Also, we can take it back if we decide you're not
worthy, or we don't like the way you drive, or something."

This "rental culture" deal where corporations own everything and you just pay to use it (as long as they let you) is something that I guess a lot of younger folks have grown up with. Presumably they're OK with it. I'm not.

I'd rather have a used Twike.  That, I can own.

And get off my grass.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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