On 30 Jun 2015, at 05:06, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 12:58 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​​>>​ a personal pronoun without a clear referent is used instead to sweep this ambiguity under the rug and hope nobody notices. ​

​> ​No, because when a pronoun is used, we can eliminate the ambiguity by telling if we use the 1p or 3p sense of the person.

​Which 1p? In a world with duplicating chambers there is no such thing as *THE* 1P. ​

There is two 1p, at the end, with this protocol. But the 1ps feels each being singular, and the Helsinki guy knew this in advance.

​>>> ​The one who tell me in Helsinki that he is sure that he will​ [blah blah]​

​>> ​​AHHH! That is a perfect example right there of ambiguity in action.

​> ​Where?

​Apparently ​personal pronouns come so easily and are used with such little though that ​Bruno Marchal​ doesn't even realize when Bruno Marchal​ is using one.​

Just answer the question. I don't see any ambiguity.

​> ​It is you, at the moment before duplication,

​Then Mr.You can say nothing about the future because ​Mr.You is only defined at one particular instant.

This contradicts the definition of personal identity on which we have already agreed.

"you" is the guy who remember Helsinki. Yes, after duplication, there are two you, and the FPI comes from the fact that each of them is unique, and that he knew this in advance (with the hypotheses used here).

Of course Bruno Marchal or John Clark are still allowed to talk about the future, but Mr.You has no future.

That changes absolutely nothing, as I have explained in some of the preceding posts.

​> ​JC-H is asked about what JC-H, the living guy who believe that, thanks to comp, he will survive ​[blah blah]

​He? Apparently ​personal pronouns come so easily and are used with such little though that ​Bruno Marchal​ doesn't even realize when Bruno Marchal​ is using one.​

​> ​The use of pronouns made things simpler

​Truer words were never spoken, but not simple in a good way, simple as in stupid..​

​> ​With comp, the fist things all machines say is

​I don't care what "comp" says.​

​> ​You don't listen to your futures selves.

​That's exactly the problem, nobody ​can listen to their future selves because they haven't said anything yet.

But comp makes easy to predict what they will say: I see only one city. Both copies agrees, and eventually get the point that they could not predict in advance the result of the experience: "pushing on the button and opening the door".

It is clearer and clearer that you got the point, but can't recognize it.

You also fail to answer my questions in the preceding posts.


​  John K Clark​

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