Matthew Brown, USA TODAY. 7-14-2021.'Reichstag moment': Joint Chiefs chairman 
feared Trump was laying groundwork for coup.... Also reported by Jamie 
Gangel<>, Jeremy 
Herb<>, Marshall 
Cohen<> and Elizabeth 
Stuart<>, CNN Updated 9:03 PM ET, 
Wed July 14, 2021.

[Philip Benjamin]
   The importance of "stable laws" of Nature (sciences) is very relevant here.  
For example, this is typical "atavistic fears" of 
un-wakened-un-Augustinian-consciousness of the WAMP and their sponsored 
generals and politicians. The US Constitution of divided powers is a byproduct 
of the historical and historic "Great Awakening" which depends on "stable laws 
of Nature" as a reflection of the Stable Law Giver" with aseity. It is NOT a 
product of Yoga, TM, Talmud, Koran, Cabbala, Jungian sorceries, witchcraft, 
occultism, mysticism, socialist-Marxist-fascist-progressive-anarchist 
Greco-Romo-Eastern paganism etc. The Constitution is precisely designed to stop 
any kind of dictatorship. Only an anti-Constitutional military leadership can 
initiate a "dictatorship" in the USA, which is extremely unlikely unless the 
whole army turn socialist-Marxist-fascist-progressive pagans with un-awakened 
Kundalini consciousness.
    WAMP-the-Ingrate is Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), the stealing 
beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust 
Philip Benjamin

From: Philip Benjamin  Friday, July 2, 2021 2:37 PM:<><>   
Subject: RE: Why are laws of physics stable?

How about A Stable Law Giver? Self-Existent Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) 
Elohim (uni-plural)? Infuriate WAMP-the-Ingrate? The stealing beneficiaries of 
the Augustinian Trust? Laws of Chemistry are universal, and as such ar 
applicable to Bio Dark-matter atoms of negligible mass with respect to 
electrons.  [There is "The Additional Mass of Life" for a living organism in a 
hermitically sealed system, which disappears at death as reported by Amrit S. 
Sorli, Scientific Research Centre BISTRA, Ptuj, Slovenia,; doi=; 2012, Journal of Theoretics Vol.4-2).].
                             Chemistry means chemical bonds which are spin 
governed particle configurations of duets and octets.

                    WAMP = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism)
Will any pagan Sociologist with "un-awakened"/un-Augustinian consciousness 
explain the WAMP's lie that USA is the most racist country when races and 
religionists of all stripes from every part of the world are still rushing to 
settle in USA?  Which country's will Marxist-Socialist-Fascist- anarchist WAMP 
respect? China? Russia? The Middle East? East? Will these WAMP winners in 
sports and games disrespect the flag of USA, if there is no mammon of 
"unrighteousness" in it-of pagan Tycoons and pagan businesses? Is the end of 
slavery or universal prevalence of the time-old slave-trade (including WAMP 
sponsored modern massive human trafficking) to be celebrated? Why the WAMP does 
not teach that for the FIRST TIME in human history Slave Trade was abolished by 
the lifelong efforts of Puritan MP William Wilberforce in the British Empire 
(vastest, greatest, noblest, not perfect ever) followed abot six decades later 
by American Emancipation? Where else, oh WAMP,  in the "universe of slavery" 
that was accomplished?
                            Augustinian Awakening:, pulled the West 
from Greco-Roman paganism (including Ptolemaic Astronomy) and opened the way 
for science in a "knowable world" (not Maya/mystic/occultic illusion).

        Happy July- th 2021   Philip Benjamin

Lone and forlorn but singular in recorded human history
Instated in splendor a Republic of the brave and the free
Born of Puritan Great Awakening, no Yoga-Mantra story
Exceptional to the raw pagan minds of Kundalini slavery
Republic of non-sovereign Federation of Sovereign States
Transformed in that Apostolic way at Athenian Mars Hill
Yellow journalism notwithstanding, or Red Peril tyrannies
Yeah, only an Augustinian awakened citizenry fits the bill
Philip Benjamin

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