On Fri, 2009-10-09 at 18:14 +0200, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> > I'm probably going to be upgrading within the next 30 days.
> > I've been considering Ubuntu 9.04. Any suggestions?
> Within the next 30 days ? Wait for Ubuntu 9.10, this one will come with
> LTS (Long Term Support), and apparently that's the kind of thing you
> need.

Nope.  Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala), release date of Oct 29 2009, is a
normal release with an 18-month support cycle.  The release after that,
Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx), will be the next Ubuntu LTS release.

The previous Ubuntu LTS release was 8.04 (Hardy Heron), released in (you
guessed it) April 2008.  I still use this at home, because all newer
versions of Ubuntu don't support my video card with 3D acceleration (an
older nVidia card--and I can't find a newer one because my system uses


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