
Did you search the FAQ's for this?  See the link at the bottom.  This sounds
like a problem discussed last week.  If you are getting the 404-page not
found error, I believe it's because you need to create the virtual directory
iisadmpwd and populate the directory with the proper .htr files.  This
directory is not created by default.

Go search the FAQ's and see what you get.

And no...your OWA does not have to be a domain controller.

Jim Blunt

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Kelley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 5:00 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: OWA 5.5 Change passwords

There is a change password button in the options menu of OWA for exchange
5.5.  When I press this button I get an error, a web page appears that say
unable to find server.

I have searched Microsoft KB and found a total of 11 articles.  One article
says if the Exchange server is NOT a domain controller then remove this

In order for this feature (changing passwords via OWA) to work does OWA have
to be installed on a domain controller?
Do I have to modify something to enable this button to work?

Thanks - Jason

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