> Virtual Server 1 in our Exchange clustered servers is expierencing a
> problem where the store fails.  I have put details below as to the
> environment and problem.  I have been working with microsoft on the
> issue however I was wondering if anyone else has expierenced these
> symptoms/problems.
> We have increased logging and tracing and to date the only event log
> written is where the resource fails.  By then the server is usually
> down.  There are no Dr. Watsons, and we have run diagnostics on the
> server to rule out hardware issues and all the tests have been
> successful.
> If any of you have expierenced an issue like this I would appreciate
> your response...
> Thanks,
> Ron Clarke
> Current Environment:
> 2 clustered boxes running Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Exchange
> 2000 sp2 (Enterprise Edition).
> Physical Server 1 & 2 are both Compaq Proliant 7000 servers connected
> to IBM Shark.
> Virtual Server 1 & 2 both have 2 storage groups and approximately 2000
> users spread out evenly across both storage groups. Each storage group
> has 1 mailbox store.
> Problem:
> Physical Server 1 is periodically freezing and not allowing user
> access or administrative access, remotely or locally at the server
> console.  Once the failure occurs a complete poweroff is required to
> have the cluster resource release and allow the second node of the
> cluster to restart the resource
> This problem does not appear to be occurring on Physical Server 2.
> Prior to today Virtual Server 1 hadn't failed while running on
> Physical Server 2.  Today while Virtual Server 1 was running on
> Physical Server 2 it failed.
> The information store fails.  The server then initiates a failover
> which isn't successful the server then hangs.
> Other Related Information:
> 1st Trend Micro Scanmail 6 and Emanager were installed on Physical
> Server 1 and Physical Server 2.
> 2nd (weeks later)  Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2 was installed on
> Physical Server 1 and Physical Server 2.
> Post SP2 hotfixes installed on Physical Server 1, and Physcial Server
> 2 are:
> Q314952 - Remote Backup Fix
> Q315911 - MTA fixes, memory leak
> Q316056 - System Attendant fix
> Q316216 - Information Store Fixes
> Q317539 - Message Tracking Fix

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