Yes, and titles are priceless.

> Just to throw some salt in the wounds, the Federal Government has a law that
> states that any federal employee or govenrment contractor cannot accept any
> gift from a vendor with a value greater than $80.  Anything over that is
> considered improper and a conflict of interest.  If you accept the gift and
> you are a government contractor, you risk getting busted & fined by the GAO
> as well risk losing your contract.
> Greg, last time I checked, pens and paper were less that $80.00.
> Eric Fretz
> L-3 Communications
> ComCept Division
> 2800 Discovery Blvd.
> Rockwall, TX 75032
> tel:   972.772.7501
> fax:  972.772.7510
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ely, Don [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:35 AM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Migrating from GroupWise 6.5
> Oh, that was not a personal attack...  And I don't lose arguments...
> I tell ya what.  You find me the documentation to support your claim for our
> industry and I might be inclined to believe you.  I'll need actual laws
> passed by Federal/Local Governments or a consortium of some kind AND any
> cases that were brought to trial on this subject.  Please provide these
> details in a time stamped format so I can see at what point in time these
> laws went into effect...
> There ARE laws on the books regarding this perceived ethical violation,
> right? 
> Everyone should probably cease assisting you with your Groupwise migration
> since it might get those of us who are not MVP's nominated for such things
> and it would be unethical of us to assist you.  So, please stop asking for
> help as the answers we provide will be unethical in nature...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 12:34 PM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Migrating from GroupWise 6.5
> Personal attacks are generally the clearest sign that someone has lost an
> argument and has nothing better to say. So now I am a wife beater, a liar, I
> starve children and I get beat up a lot. I keep learning things about myself
> that I never knew before, I love this list.
> > You got beat up a lot in High School didn't you...  You should have
> > asked them (while being beaten to a pulp) to leave you some brain 
> > cells to operate with...
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 12:20 PM
> > To: Exchange Discussions
> > Subject: RE: Migrating from GroupWise 6.5
> > 
> > Titles are priceless.
> > 
> > Ethics are about avoiding real and *perceived* conflicts of interest.
> > If you work in an industry and accept gifts from vendors in that 
> > industry, it is always going to at least be a perceived conflict of 
> > interest. Whether it actually is or not is absolutely irrelevant. If 
> > you own your own business and provide consulting on how to build 
> > bridges, then no, an MVP title would not be a real or perceived conflict
> of interest. If you are in IT, it is.
> > 
> > 
> > > Kindly define "significant gifts such as large dollar items and 
> > > titles". Where, exactly is your threshold?  Let's get down to 
> > > specifics, Greg.
> > > 
> > > How is it a conflict of interest when it is my job to provide
> > > consulting services surrounding Microsoft products?  It is not my 
> > > job, for example, to steer people away from Windows to Linux.
> > > 
> > > Why can one not serve two masters, particularly if the two masters'
> > > directions are complementary?  Still, your entire point is flawed 
> > > since neither Microsoft nor the MVP program is my master, and 
> > > neither ask anything of me, period.  (I take that back--they do ask
> > > one thing, that we behave in the forums.  If you claim that's a 
> > > conflict of interest, it will further confirm my belief that you've
> > > lost it.)  The MVP award is a "thank you", if you will, for past 
> > > service.  Not once has anyone directed me to do a single thing.
> > > 
> > > Again, for 11,000,001st time, you have failed to adequately explain
> > > how there is any conflict of interest between my being an MVP and 
> > > what my employer asks me to do.  Microsoft gives MVPs a modest 
> > > non-monetary award for their work doing peer support.  It's right 
> > > there, disclosed in the MVP website, as I told you before.  
> > > Personally, I provide this peer support service on my own personal 
> > > time, not my employer's, and of my
> > own free will.
> > > My employer pays me to perform consulting on Microsoft Exchange,
> > > Windows and various other complementary technologies to its customers.
> > > Most other MVPs are either consultants or Exchange administrators.
> > > We answer technical questions and try to help people with their 
> > > technical problems.  We do not sell Microsoft products.  Whatever we
> > > say we believe.  Where is the conflict of interest, pray tell?
> > > 
> > > I cannot recall ever having been encouraged to evangelize
> > > Microsoft's products because I am an MVP.  Personally, I don't 
> > > hesitate to express my opinions about Exchange even if the good 
> > > folks at Microsoft disagree with me.  Many others who have been MVPs
> > > longer that I are even
> > more forthcoming.
> > > Please demonstrate exactly what the conflict of interest is and its
> > > insidious result, Mr. Deckler.  How, exactly, has the MVP program 
> > > caused such an ethical dilemma that you must rant and rave over it?
> > > Let's get specific, though, because your 50,000-foot view is rather
> > unconvincing.
> > > 
> > > For the record, my employer knows I am an MVP, knows that I receive
> > > a modest gift of appreciation, and has no problem with this.  So my
> > > employer, which happens to be a very ethical company, has no problem
> > > with
> > this arrangement.
> > > Why should you?
> > > 
> > > It is mighty judgmental of you to presume that any person is
> > > unprofessional solely because he does not adhere to your personal
> > standards of ethics.
> > > Your opinion implies that because you define there to be a conflict
> > > of interest, no reasonable person can decide for himself to the
> contrary.
> > > That is, you see yourself as the sole arbiter of professional ethics
> > > in this field.  Clearly you believe that MVPs are unprofessional 
> > > because they do not adhere to your standards of ethics, even if 
> > > those standards are undefined and based solely upon your own 
> > > simplistic idea of standards, your own ignorance, your logical 
> > > fallacies, and your personal prejudices.  As long as you espouse 
> > > such ridiculous ideas, I will
> > call you on them.
> > > 
> > > You've been spewing this bile for eight years and you know you're
> > > right because, to paraphrase, nobody has proven you wrong.  The real
> > > problem is that you haven't convinced anyone other than yourself 
> > > that
> > you're right.
> > > You are the one with the opinions.  But wait--you say you deal in
> > > facts.  In an eariler post, you state that it should be obvious that
> > > everything you say is your opinion.  Which is it, fact or opinion?
> > > Well, I will argue that you don't deal in facts, you're all about 
> > > opinion, so don't go claiming it's all about "known facts".  There 
> > > isn't a single fact in your diatribe except for those that say or 
> > > imply, "I believe...".  I do agree that it's a fact that you believe
> > > some
> > ridiculous point.
> > > 
> > > People do read what you say in your posts, as opposed to reading
> > > what they read.  Everyone recognizes that you are speaking with your
> > > own voice.  It's obvious to all that you really believe what you say
> > > and have a firm conviction.  That's how they know for certain that 
> > > you're a
> > bag of gas.
> > > 
> > > As to this thread being a waste of bytes, it has been your choice to
> > > continue it.  It seems hypocritical that you post a complaint that 
> > > everyone else is wasting their time and bandwidth, when you yourself
> > > are guilty of just that by posting such messages.
> > > 
> > > Ed Crowley MCSE+Internet MVP
> > > Freelance E-Mail Philosopher
> > > Protecting the world from PSTs and Bricked Backups!T
> > > 
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