In a message dated 4/30/05 7:30:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Mr. Dixon,

My original response was to your observation about "...culling the
human race." Something you suggested as a possibility regarding two
earlier posts concerning atrocities in Tibet and Africa.

If for a moment we replace Tibet and Africa with the words "U.S.
Pentagon, World Trade center and September 11th" - would you have
privileged us with the same observation regarding the culling of
Mrfishey,  When I wrote "Ever get the feeling nature is culling the human race?" Perhaps I was being a bit coy. What I should have said, at least on this forum, is that atrocities of this nature and wars are what MMY has referred to as natures way of the releasing collective stress. Does that mean I think genocide is a good thing because it is a natural phenomena? No, I don't think so! But that is where the human race is at this time. I thought my referring to the millions of abortions that have occurred both here in the US and else where would prevent the US from being absolved of the culling process. If anything it makes us look worse because it's so clean, neat and legal, our constitutional right so to speak. And yes, war is natures culling of the human race whether it is Americans fighting or anybody else and regardless of the politics involved. As MMY has said before Humans are a part of nature and everything humans do is natural. My comments here are of a natural process not a political process.The political process is within the realm of the natural process.

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