sparaig wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At arm's length I would simply say he will go down in history as 
>> popularizing meditation and making it a household word as well as 
>> lighting the spark, though I would give Chopra credit for popularizing 
>> it, Ayurveda as a form of alternative medicine some of which is now 
>> creeping into western allopathic medicine.
> Interesting, given that Chorpa's meditation teachers number in the hundreds, 
> max, and 
> the wave of publicity for MMY reached literally hundreds of millions of 
> people before 
> Chopra ever even became involved.
> Why would you say that Chopra deserves credit for popularizing meditation, 
> given the 
> above? 
I didn't. Read it again.  I said Chopra popularized Ayurveda though MMY 
provided the spark.

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