--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> > > > > There is now strong evidence that during the 
> > > > > 1990s, Barack Obama was a member of the socialist 
> > > > > New Party, an arm of the Democratic Socialist 
> > > > > Party of America.
> > > > > 
> > > Curtis wrote:
> > > > OK, what is your strong evidence? 
> > > >
> Curtis wrote:
> > Do you understand the difference between an accusation 
> > from a partisan writer and "strong evidence?"
> >
> So, you don't have any evidence that Gov. Palin was
> a member of the AIP - I thought so.

Troll tactic. I never claimed that.  We have video of her palling
around with them, speaking to their group.  And you missed my point
about guilt by association. 

> > I can't believe I even asked you that question.
> > 
> Let's ask Obama if he was a member of the 'New Party'.
> Now let's ask Curtis why he's withholding information
> to cover up for Obama.

So you lied about having good evidence for your claim and now you are
trying to put the burden of proof on me.  More trollish behavior Richard. 

> You stank up the news group with your smutty comments 
> about Gov. Palin. The mountain of rubbish poured out 
> about her over the past month would rival Mt. Everest. 

You have claimed this before and failed to show a single example. 
Your accusation is trollish.  I think you have confused your own
smutty thoughts about the aging governor with something I said.  I'm
sure at your age she is quite the Spring chicken.  For me, there is
nothing smutty to say about her.  There is plenty to say about how
unqualified she is to lead this country.

> Everytime Obama's lips move, lies are coming out.

So now you have lost all reason in your partisan madness.  Good luck
with that.

> Again, our resident "horseshit artists", John Manning, 
> doesn't know anything but mindless moonbat talking 
> points. Can you guys spell 'ACORN'? Why are you 
> withholding evidence?
> Your leader, Obama, happily believes in ACORN "voter 
> fraud" and caused the present financial panic. When 
> the voters find out about this, they are going to 
> perp walk Obama all the way to prison for voter fraud!
> 'According to Stanley Kurtz of National Review 
> Online, "ACORN succeeded in drawing Fannie Mae and 
> Freddie Mac into the very policies that led to the 
> current disaster."  ACORN put pressure on banks by 
> threatening them with accusations of racism if they 
> didn't give loans to minorities, even if they were 
> completely unqualified.'
> Read more: 
> 'Obama, ACORN, and the Financial Crisis'
> by Marcia Segelstein
> http://tinyurl.com/4emo5w

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