An Open Letter to the Yogic Flyers of the Nation
from the Raja of Invincible America

October 12, 2008

Dear Fellow Yogic Flyers,

As everyone surely knows, America—and our entire, deeply
interconnected world family—are in the midst of an historic global
phase transition. The financial markets—and the entire world
economy—are in upheaval.

The press often asks me about the cause of the stock market meltdown,
despite our consistently high numbers in the Domes—given that we had
taken credit for the record market highs just one year ago.

The rise of coherence has fueled a long-overdue purification in
national life

The answer is simple—and consistent with the Maharishi Effect
research. On the one hand, the number of Yogic Flyers has been high
enough to create a powerful upsurge of coherence in national
consciousness, fueling national creativity, stabilizing the national
mood, and bolstering the national economy. But the rise in coherence
has also fueled a long-overdue purification in national life—in
particular, in the very questionable principles and practices that
drive our economic policies.

Maharishi repeatedly made it clear that the old principles that guided
life during the past age of ignorance will be discarded and the
small-thinking leaders who espouse them will be "hooted out" of office
with the rise of collective consciousness. Maharishi said new
enlightened principles of administration, along with new, enlightened
leadership, would come forward to guide life.

We are now watching Maharishi's words come true.

Our success is ultimately dependent on you

I am writing you from Wall Street, where I am living and working with
members of my national team at the Global Financial Capital of New
York, one block from the New York Stock Exchange. We are starting to
make remarkably good progress in our efforts to bring Maharishi's
knowledge of enlightenment and invincibility to leaders here whose
thinking and actions vitally impact the whole world. However,
ultimately, our success is dependent on you. We will be successful
when the leaders are receptive to our message. But their openness is
100% dependent upon the numbers in the Domes. Why? Because a rise in
national consciousness directly translates into a rise in openness
among leaders of business, health, education, defense, government, etc.

At this critical time I urge everyone to fly together in large groups

Maharishi said we need 2500 experts flying together to guarantee
invincibility for America. This requirement is because the turbulence
in the collective consciousness of one country can easily spread like
a wildfire to create a similar turbulence in another country. And this
is why, at this critical time, with the economic stability of the
world hanging in the balance, I urge everyone in Iowa and everyone in
the country to recommit to fly together in large groups.

Needless to say, I am deeply appreciative of how much you are already
doing with the knowledge Maharishi has given us to create a new world
of peace, happiness, and prosperity for everyone. 

However, at this time, I ask you to do more. Please join the
Invincible America Assembly if you have not already done so. And if
you can't, please be sure to fly every day, twice a day, in a large group!

Thank you… and with best wishes for your health, happiness and

Jai Guru Dev

John Hagelin, Ph.D.
Raja of Invincible America

P.S. Buried in the media tsunami of dire economic news has been a
series of stunningly positive reports about the reduced tensions and
violence in nuclear hotspots—and the dramatic turnaround in America's
relationships with once hostile nations. For example, North Korea,
described a short while ago by the U.S. as a member of the "Axis of
Evil," is now forging friendlier ties with America and has been
removed from our government's list of state-sponsored terrorists. At
the same time, violence and war deaths have dropped sharply in Iraq
and there has been a palpable diffusion of tensions between the U.S.
and Iran.

Finally, on the domestic front, as the grueling presidential campaign
draws to a close, negative campaigning—which dominated the news as
recently as a week ago—is now being soundly rejected by voters, who
instead are demanding from the candidates a positive, more enlightened
vision of the nation's future along with a more substantive (and
proven, prevention-oriented) approach to the nation's pressing problems.

Maharishi said it was inevitable that the world would rise to
invincibility. The only question was how long it would take. That
choice has been left up to us. We can make this current phase
transition as fast and as smooth as possible for everyone—by flying
together in large groups to create coherent, invincible national and
world consciousness. 

Let us all join together now, and fly in the biggest groups possible!

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