On Salon Radio this morning, Glenn Greenwald asked Harper's Scott
Horton about his recent reporting on how Weekly Standard Editor Bill
Kristol lobbied the McCain campaign to select Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK)
as the Republican vice presidential nominee. Horton explained that the
McCain campaign is now regretting following Kristol's advice, calling
the Palin pick a "total disaster":

    HORTON: We've got a lot of finger-pointing going on within the
camp, and I'd say there's a pretty broad agreement amongst a number of
the senior-most advisors to McCain that the Palin pick is worse than
disappointing. It's a total disaster, as one describes to me. And
there is a sort of blame game going on there. […]

    I would say the anger and irritation between a number of the
senior people in the McCain camp and Bill Kristol is become really
acute. … They view this man as the guy who gave them this albatross,
Sarah Palin. I think there's a lot of real anger about it. There's
also recognition that it's too late to do anything.

Horton said neoconservatives are "now just proceeding to develop Palin
as their candidate, as somebody they want to bring up in 2012, as the
neo-con favored Republican."

Last month, a former Republican White House official, who now works at
the American Enterprise Institute, said, "She's bright and she's a
blank page. She's going places and it's worth going there with her."

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