On Oct 16, 2008, at 3:43 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

All it would take is for one creation myth scripture to give an
accurate account of the dinosaurs. Having dominated every ecological
niche for 250,000,000 years, is that really too much to ask from a
creation myth?

There are visible fossils all over the Himalaya since there are huge amounts of sedimentary rocks. What is traditionally believed in superstitious "Vedic" culture is that these represent souls who have incarnated into inferior forms of life and are trapped for huge swaths of time into the very rocks themselves. So those aren't dinosaurs Curtis, they're poor souls trapped in the rocks. Get with it already!

Aren't the Vedas SO scientific! I just know one day I'll wake and I'll see the Vedas on the covers of both Nature and Scientific American with the caption "How Could We Have Missed It? Ancient Vedas are Actually an Advanced Form of Science Based on the Unified Field!"

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