A woman speaks her mind and gets a visit from the Secret Service and a
bogus claim that she made a death threat against Obama. Here is radio
host Roger Hedgecock interviewing Jessica Huges about a simple phone
call that prompted a visit from the FBI. http://tinyurl.com/5r452a

I posted this email discussing this topic: 

"This was just forwarded to us.  We have NOT had a chance to verify
it; however we are seeking verification from the Secret Service as
well as several news organizations.  This is certainly an example of
what is yet to come.
    Subject: FW: Lufkin News
    Posted by: BirdyMay (IP Logged)
    Date: October 06, 2008 08:29AM
    So I don't usually forward these kinds of stories because usually
they wind up to be total bull, BUT this happened right here in Lufkin.
It was over in the Idlewood subdivision, and these people are
respected community members. So, here's their story as told from their
first hand perspective..
    On Wednesday the 1st of October I received a call on my cell while
in the car with my husband. It was a woman who identified herself as
calling from the Obama Campaign. The phone # she called from was
903-798-6020 which lists as "Obama Volunteers of Texarkana" (Texas).

    She asked if I was an Obama supporter to which I replied: "No, I
don't support him, your guy is a socialist who voted four times in the
State Senate to let little babies die in hospital closets; I think you
should find something better to do with your time." I hung up.

    Thursday, October 2, I answered the front door to find the Secret
Service. Immediately I thought of the call and was furious that
apparently you are not allowed to call Obama a Socialist without the
Secret Service coming to inve stigate. Instead, they asked me about
the following comment, relayed by the Obama Volunteer of Texarkana who
called me, unsolicited on my cell phone:

    "I will never support Obama and he will wind up dead on a hospital

    My husband laughed and told them "No, she called him a socialist
but she never said a word about him dying." I gave them my actual
quote. The woman asked insolently "Oh? Well why would she make that up?"

    I replied that I supposed she wasn't happy about what I said about
her candidate and the Agent said "That's right, you were rude!" The
last time I checked being rude wasn't a crime in America.

    Luckily the big file they had gathered on me didn't indicate
mental instability or a past life of stalking/crime, however they did
want to know how I felt about Obama. That was my limit. I told the
Agent in no uncertain terms that my thoughts were not pertinent to
their investigation, that this was America and the last time I checked
I was allowed to think whatever I wanted without being questioned by
the Secret Service. In fact, even if I had said what she claimed, that
isn't a threat. I told them (again) and my husband verified that the
statement reported by Obama's volunteer was a lie. I asked them if
there was a tape of the call and they said no. I said, "So on the word
of a ticked off Obama supporter you are on my porch with no other
evidence and you want to question me about my THOUGHTS!?"

    They informed me that there was no evidence she was an Obama
supporter…someone calling from his campaign…are you kidding?

    I was not allowed to know the name of my accuser at which p oint
they informed me that it wasn't like I was in a court of law, YET, as
if this was a good thing. I recognized this as a veiled threat. I told
them I would happily go to court since I did nothing wrong and at
least then my accuser would have to face me rather than sending the
thought police to my house.

    They then said they were trying to do me a favor, that they came
to me first before "embarrassing you by going to all your neighbors
and family", another threat? I told them to be my guest and talk to
whomever they wanted but they weren't going to investigate my thoughts
on my porch.

    They also informed me that it would be easier if the next time a
supporter calls me I just say "Yeah sure count me in, or just hang up"
apparently so she won't get her undies in a bundle and give them more
useless trips. Yeah right. I said "Look, someone calls me unsolicited
on my cell phone to ask me to support their candidate and I can't tell
them why I don't?" I said I was sorry they made a wasted trip but if
they had a problem with some made up lie they needed to go talk to her
about it because it wasn't my fault they had to drive from Houston for

    At one point I went inside and got a notepad to record their badge
numbers and they refused to show me their badges. They had done the
quick flip when they arrived. I asked for a card and the female Agent
refused to give me one stating "You're not going to get a card." The
male Agent gave me a card and told me I could contact Houston with any

    The fact that the volunteer lied, the fact that the Secret Service
came to my h ouse to question me about my thoughts and feelings and
threaten to embarrass me to my neighbors and go to court if I didn't
cooperate is not really the tragedy here. Because that girl on the
phone doesn't have the pull to send the Secret Service to my home.
Someone high in the ranks of a campaign working for a man who may be
the next President of the United States of America felt comfortable
bringing the force of the Federal Government to bear on a private
citizen on nothing but the word of a partisan volunteer.

    I want to file a counter complaint that false charges were made,
that a false report was given to a peace officer. The Secret Service
told me I cannot because they will protect the identity of the
complainant. I also want the file they have on me destroyed and I want
to know that my phone isn't tapped, etcetera. I am hearing a lot of
"Out of my Jurisdiction".

    Do I also hear jackboots?

    Jessica Hughes

    Lufkin, Texas

    Note: I have contacted several news organizations, Rep Gohmert,
Sen Hutchison, the Atty General, Local Police

    Will keep you updated, pass it along."

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Obama's Thought Police
> They are everywhere,
> Common as squirrels,
> Obamazoids on steroids
> Marching lock step
> A bug in your rug
> A fart in your tub
> A stink in your sink,
> A spin down your drain
> They pick through your garbage
> Inured to your pain
> A whisper campaign
> Threatens the One
> Is he a Muslim?
> Is he a threat?
> Who are his friends?
> The Chicago connection
> Where are his friends?
> Wright under the bus
> Lest we forget
> They report to the top
> To dear leader their fealty
> No matter the sewage
> And shit they dig up
> It floats to the top
> No habeas corpus or writ
> No FISA protection
> Neither phone in your ear
> Nor data collection
> Just flip baldy's wig
> To see what he did
> Turn every stone
> Leave none alone
> Check tiny lies
> Ignore all the facts
> Blackwater connected
> Sedition suspected
> Just in case
> Got to be sure
> They pause to demur,
> "If that's what it takes to
> Get the job done
> No matter the cost
> We must protect The One
> So don't give a fig
> For arcane bill of rights
> Just bamboozle the saps and the serfs
> And never look back to the light."
> "Arrest them!
> Put them in brigs
> High-wired fence
> Leg irons too
> Let them wait
> Quietly wasting
> Soon we'll forget
> And no one will care."
> They squash all the giggles and gaffes
> With neck snapping speed and say,
> "No it didn't really happen that way."
> Or simply, "No he didn't!"
> "What Obama Really Meant"
> Placates all but the crazies
> Whose reprogramming 
> They surgically finish
> In a New York minute
> With skin crawling rapidity
> "Quick! Red phone alert
> Call to dear leader!
> In here! In here! 
> Look in the closet
> Behind the door
> There she is!
> A Hillary holdout!
> Ready the Kool-Aid
> Now open wide
> Racist-cunt-bitch!"
> Her mirror of pure courage
> Reflected my face
> Together we placed 
> 18 million cracks
> And toiled to foil 
> Their devious plans
> For the race
> Still unabated they assailed
> And insulted
> They tore her to shreds
> Beaten and blackened
> Bloody to bone
> Her dignity held
> Onward with hope
> She reached for the stars
> She played her best ace
> And all they could say was,
> "She didn't know her place
> After all, she is just a woman
> A woman expendable
> Not defendable
> She. Is. Just. A. Woman."
> "Leave me alone!"
> I said with fierce inner scream,
> "They are coming to take my freedom away Ha, Ha! 
> And you're next 
> Ha, Ha!"
> http://tinyurl.com/2oapcg
> This poem is in response to this…
> Video: "Missouri "Truth Squads" To Protect Obama Campaign"
> http://tinyurl.com/4msamj 
> Article: "Gov. Blunt's Statement on Obama Campaign's Abusive Use of
> Missouri Law
> Enforcement" http://tinyurl.com/4aqvao
> Article: "Missouri Sheriffs & Top Prosecutors Form Obama "Truth
> Squads" & Threaten Libel Charges Against Obama Critics"
> http://tinyurl.com/54k5dq
> Love you too,
> Raunchydog

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