I stopped reading this after a few paragraphs because I did not watch Letterman 
and so did not know the context. Can you give us the details of what he said? 
I watched Biden on Leno and the Red Sox game was on.
"Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Fri, 10/17/08, amarnath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: amarnath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Open Letter to Senator McCain
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 10:07 AM

Dear Senator McCain,
With all due respect for the good that you stood for in the past, let's face 
it, when you admitted on the David Letterman show that you screwed up, you 
finally told the truth. The only truth it seems during your whole presidential 
The thing is, you are running for President and cannot afford to screw up. What 
if you and Sarah start a war with Russia, what will you say, "I screwed up." 
And, you screwed up not only by not keeping your commitment to Letterman, but 
many other ways: 
1 ) Perhaps your biggest screw up was your choice of Sarah Palin as VP which 
energized the lower animalistic fearful selfish behaviors of some American; too 
many Americans who are frustrated and confused in these difficult times. With 
your and Sarah's rhetoric, your ads( 100% of which are negative ), your 
Joe-the-Plumber plant as well as many other plants, I'm sure,  you are taking 
America in the direction of fear, self-deceit, delusion, further loss of world 
integrity, more and more war. No wonder so many prominent Republicans and 
Conservatives are abandoning you and throwing their support for Obama and 
Biden. By choosing Sarah Palin for VP you put America at great perilous risk. 
2) You screwed up by suspending your campaign. Everyone with any common sense 
knows that was only a political gimmick and not "country first." 
3) You screwed up by choosing to attack and attack Obama's character instead of 
coming up with real solutions for the pressing problems of the day and calling 
forth our better natures. Calling forth understanding, sharing, caring and 
making whatever sacrifices are necessary. You seem to be a very very conflicted 
man. When you told that lady that Barack was a decent family man, you spoke the 
truth. Now how does that square with all the other negative and distorted 
things you say about Barack the other 99.9% of the time. You must think we 
Americans are really stupid and can be manipulated by your ridiculous schemes. 
4) You keep screwing up by not understanding that oil and nuclear are not real 
viable solutions for the problems we face right now. For short term, these do 
not work because of the development time and huge costs involved. Both have 
been around for decades and keep only adding to our problems. Einstein said, 
"Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different 
results." But, again, you are only too eager to play the fears and ignorance of 
the people for political gain. Americans need some different, new and wise 
ideas ~ things that are also cost effective. Both nuclear and oil are not cost 
effective, will do nothing immediately and distract from putting all our 
efforts into new and smart technologies.  
5) You screwed up really big time by favoring war and not standing up to Bush 
and Cheney for torturing people. This was your real chance to stand up for 
something decent and it's not too late. You can still be the  great hero that 
you always wanted to be by exposing all the wrongs committed by Cheney and Bush 
against the American people. But, again for political goals, you sacrificed all 
you moral principles and stood by Bush. 
6) In the past, you have made many mistakes, including associating with 
dangerous and crooked people, but forgive yourself all too readily without due 
reflection and any real spiritual growth. Your first big mistake was leaving 
your first wife because she was crippled and not wealthy and then marrying a 
very very wealthy woman. If you cannot even commit yourself wholy to "family 
first," how can you expect anyone to believe you when you say "country first?"  
Is this not a telltale sign of how you look at all Americans? In contrast, Joe 
Biden was willing to sacrifice his political career for the good of his family 
7) You keep screwing up by distorting what Barack says. You keep repeating over 
and over again the empty slogans of the standard GOP platform about taxes, 
spending, government and education. One of the main functions of government is 
to tax and spend, govern wisely and provide free education. You are not what 
America needs right now. 
8) You are also screwing up big time by not taking into consideration your 
overall health, especially your mental health which is all too obvious by your 
unpleasant facial expressions. These are not very inspiring to look at. By not 
being aware of your own health, how can you understand anything about proper 
health care for others and the need for prevention? 
And so, my advice to you, Senator MCain, is, " give it up, take some time to 
rest, and then pursue vigorously to expose all the wrongs committed against 
Americans and world humanity by Bush and Cheney." The inconvenient truths must 
be faced in order to become free of the same mistakes in the future. Only in 
this way can you make a real contribution to America and  to all of humanity 
and thereby restore some of your integrity as a Maverick for Truth and Justice. 
God Bless You, 

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