In the interests of not wasting posts on Stupid,
I'm going to combine my responses to four related
posts, all featuring Joe the Plumber.

It's astounding the way Obama supporters have
gone after him, when all he did was dare to ask
Obama a question.

I'd say it was even more astounding how wildly
inaccurate the posts about him here have been,
except that it's been clear for some time that
this group of generally highly educated people
and spiritual seekers don't think they really
need to know what they're talking about where
politics is concerned, especially when they're
finding fault with the other side.


--- In, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Oct 16, 2008, at 12:40 PM, Vaj wrote:
> > Interestingly, today "Joe Plumber" became "Jane and
> > Joe Plumber". She's so damn creative.
> Supposedly this guy is actually fairly wealthy.

"Supposed" by whom, you?

Wrong, stupid. He made $40,000 in 2006.



--- In, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Turns out Joe the Plumber is not registered to vote.

Yes, he is registered to vote, sorry to

 Joe the
> Plumber admits he makes much less than $250k (on CBS)
> so will in fact pay less taxes under Obama than under
> McCain.

Puerile and inane.

<belly laugh>

If you had paid any attention to what he said in
the video, you'd know that his concern wasn't his
taxes at his present salary, which is fairly low
($40K in 2006). It was that if he is eventually
able to buy the plumbing business he now works
for, he thinks Obama's tax plan would cost him
more than McCain's.

(It wouldn't unless it made over $250K in profits,
which isn't likely; only 1.4 percent of small
businesses do. And it would depend on how the
company is set up. Obama hasn't really provided
any details of how his plan would work.)


--- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Turns out that in his state every plumber does need
> a license whether they work for themselves or for a
> company.

Wrong. He's limited in where he can work
without a license, but there are areas in
which he can do so. See:

> Sure if he takes home a large enough salary that his
> taxable income is over $250K he will pay more in taxes.
> I doubt that would happen.  He needs to know that with
> a business there will be business deductions that will
> lower his company's taxes.


He knows that, Bhairitu. It's not, like,

He said explicitly to Obama that the *profits* of
the company he wanted to buy might push his
personal taxable income above $250K. That's
unlikely with a small plumbing business, as you
suggest. But he's obviously a fairly smart dude
and knew what he was talking about. He just 
wanted to challenge Obama on the principles
behind his tax plan and did a fairly good job
of it, using his own situation as an example,
even if it wasn't a particularly realistic one.

Unfortunately, Obama was so interested in
"converting" Joe personally and making an 
impressive YouTube video with nice sound bites
for the media that he wasn't so clear about the
most important point, that the vast majority of
small businesses (98.6 percent) do *not* make
enough profit to put their owners' income over

And he didn't even succeed in "converting" Joe,
who saw right through him.


--- In, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Oct 16, 2008, at 1:02 PM, Vaj wrote:
> > According to Crooks and Liars, he was a plant
> > and has connections to Keating:
> >
> > Joe the Plumber? More like Joe the Keating Family
> > Operative
> Figures.

And because it "figures," therefore you believe
it, right?

Turns out it's not true, sorry.

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