--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > If the dinosaurs had brains big enough for communication, they 
> > could 
> > > have created their own stories to pass down through the ages.
> > 
> > Even if they had they're all extinct so unless they whispered it
> > to their descendents, the birds, it's gone forever.
> > 
> > But then the birds would have their own myth wouldn't they?
> > Unless something funny is going on and all things are inter-
> > related and came from the same source. You can see the problem
> > of creationism right here.
> Hugo,
> Here's one conjecture of how the vedic creation story can be 
> by scientific discoveries.  According to the latest news, the 
> Collider has been completed in Switzerland, although its 
> shut down for repairs.  The scientists there should determine if 
> atom or subatomic particles function like thought or 
> If yes, is it possible that these atoms or subatomic particles can 
> maintain distinct type of consciousness?

I don't think that whether atoms function like thought
is on the agenda at CERN, they are more interested in whether
string theory has any basis in fact (I'll put money on not)
and whether things like dark matter (which appears to slow 
down galaxies spinning, and if real accounts for 90% of the
universe though we can't see it!)are real or just errors 
in the Newtonian understanding of gravity.

The LHC isn't powerful enough to be definitive with
any current theories, a lot of things they are hoping
to find fit into several possibles. They just want to know
if they are on the right track but solving all the mysteries
of the universe will have to wait a bit longer.

I think it's pretty cool there are so many gaps in mans 
knowledge about nature, but I'm not convinced that religious
ideas will be filling them anytime soon, simply because they
were dreamed up by people as part of creation myths and 
cultural stories, they weren't slowly and painstakingly 
worked out on paper. But you never know, there's bound to 
be surprises. I was reading that possible gaps have been
found in Einsteins relativity which will shake things up
a bit. I think everyone will be astonished if intelligent
atoms turn up now and I'm not asware of any suspicions in 
that direction.
> If the answer is yes again, then we can have a possible explanation 
> of how the prajapatis were able to travel instantaneously the 
> universe to affect the growth of matter or organisms--leading to 
> development of humanoids-- in planets that can support life.  In 
> other words, the prajapatis were conscious living entities who were 
> able to utilize the quantum mechanical effects of the atomic 
> structure to travel and influence the development of life in other 
> planets throughout the universe.

Occams razor, does life need these guys as an explanation
for how it appears? I would be surprised if the answer is 
yes. In fact I'd put money on a No here as well.

The main trouble I have with creationism is that it doesn't
explain anything. If these guys did start life, where did
they come from? And where are they now?

As I said yesterday Darwin's genuis was explaining the 
amazing complexity of life using simple, observable chemical 
processes. Up til then everyone had assumed that something
as amazing as us must have been created by something even
more amazing. It's the old watchmaker story, if you are 
strolling along and find a watch on the ground you know
that someone made it, therefore (they think)we must have 
had a creator because we are so complex. Every civilisation
then casts it's own particular creator. These vedic quantum
dudes are just another watchmaker I reckon. Happy to be
proved wrong though.

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