I leave it to you to decide. It DOES contain the
phrase "too stupid to live," and speaks of both
Judy and Raunchydog bursting into flame. I guess
if you're insane, you could construe this as a 
"death threat," but I suspect that most sane
people wouldn't quite see it that way.

Before I get to the post that that Judy may claim 
contains a "death threat," please allow me to post 
two other short relevant quotes. The first is from 
Judy herself, today, in FFL post #194535:

> It appears someone has a little trouble
> summoning her sense of humor. ...
> Boy, when you get to the point where you can't
> appreciate a witty speech by someone you
> disagree with politically, I'd say it's you
> who's ready for the rubber room.

Also relevant, from my FFL post #193034:

> When in
> one of my posts I introduce something with the
> phrase, "In related news...," that's supposed to
> indicate that what follows is a joke. You know...a
> joke, satire, fiction, one of those goofs that is
> written just for a laugh. I'm pointing this out 
> just in case there are folks out there who are so 
> humorless and uptight that they might not perceive 
> a made-up "news article" AS satire, and might be 
> tempted to take it as seriously as they take 
> themselves.

And now, what Judy may claim is a "death threat," 
from my FFL post #194006:

> Obama would like to thank Judy, Raunchydog, and the Repubs...
> ...for winning the election for them. 
> Ironically, the more that the tag-team of Republican
> crazies and former-Hillary-supporter crazies rant and
> post negative screeds about Obama, the lower Repub-
> lican poll ratings sink (Palin's favorability rating
> *in Alaska* is now only 36%), and the more money that
> Obama is able to raise for the campaign.
> In related news, a poll conducted at bellweather
> Internet chat site Fairfield Life indicates that the
> popularity rating on that site for posters Raunchydog
> and Judy Stein (considered representative of Republican
> tactics) has dropped in the last week from the next-to-
> lowest Category Y ("Strident revenge harpies from Hell")
> to the lowest possible Category Z ("Dumb angry cunts
> too stupid to live.")
> Experts are studying the possibility that, since there
> is no lower level to sink to in terms of favorability
> ratings, if Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
> Obama activism at this point, something more drastic
> may happen to the two activists -- actually bursting
> into flame.
> Scientists from MUM have been called in to watch the
> situation and study it in terms of the Maharishi Effect.
> If, as theorized, Raunchydog and Judy Stein DO get so
> uncontrollably angry that they burst into flames, teams
> of scientists are in place to capture the event on film
> so that it can later be analyzed to see if, as described
> in the Vedas, the spontaneous combustion event really
> does start in their pants.

Now that this one's taken care of, doncha look
forward to what Judy is going to come up with to 
back up her claim that she and others have been 
victims of "death threats" on FFL?

You *know* that she'll have to do it. Otherwise,
she'd have to apologize for having said what she
said, and we all know that that has the same
chance of happening as someone opening a popsicle
stand in Hell. 

So don't you look forward to reading the things 
she'll try to portray as "death threats?" I know 
I sure do.  :-)

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