More painful than truth is the display of closed hearts, closed minds,
and callous attitudes toward the one in four women in our country who
have tasted the fruit of misogyny on their bloodied lips.

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Notice anything in common in the responses
> to Anglachel's essay?
> -----
> Peter:
> Jesus, somebody's on the rag or needs to get laid!
> Vaj:
> As an old friend, a retired psychiatrist used to say:
> "An orgasm a day, keeps the Shrink away!" :-)
> Feste: 
> This lady, Anglachel, has far too much time on her
> hands. She's wallowing in anger and resentment.
> Sal:
> Really, I think anybody who takes crap like this
> seriously needs to do some serious thinking about
> a vacation.
> do.rflex:
> Amen.
> Mainstream:
> Your obsessive, festering victimhood laments amplify
> an infantile perspective void of courage and character.
> -----
> Not one of the responses addresses any of
> Anglachel's points, even in attempted
> rebuttal.
> Instead, all of them attack the messenger.
> Feste inadvertently gives the game away:
> "It's painful to read (I couldn't get through
> even half of it)."
> Yes, sometimes the truth hurts.
> And when it does, all too often a river in
> Egypt is enlisted to wash it away.

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