Hugo wrote:
> --- In, "uns_tressor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> --- In, "Hugo" <richardhughes103@> 
>> wrote:
>>> I can't see how soldiers playing computer games could 
>>> fly real planes into the WTC...
>> I haven't seen the video but fly-by-wire has been commonplace
>> for very many years now, and remote control would be a straight
>> forward extension.
>> Uns.
> Yes I know, but it just seems like such a crazy way to go about
> the attack, why don't the generals (Or whoever) do it themselves
> rather than bring in innocent people they are going to have to
> silence later, especially kidnapping their kids and poisoning
> them with depleted uranium. It's such a lot of work!
Because the generals are no good a video games.  It takes the younger 
recruits who they filtered out and found good at games to do such remote 
flying.  It also takes specialized people to fly the drones.  Ever try 
to fly a toy remote controlled airplane?
> That's the trouble with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories they
> are so complex and involve thousands keeping silent and
> incredible new technology like explosives that don't make any 
> noise and buildings you can demolish without the usual hassle 
> of taking down interior walls and tying the opposite corners 
> together.
Nope, it wouldn't take thousands to pull this off.  The explosives made 
noise as fire fighters reported. 
> None of them are as convincing as the idea that a bunch of
> religious maniacs hi-jacked some planes and flew them into
> public buildings all over the US. Simple, effective.
"Religious maniacs" who could barely fly a Cessna and spent the prior 
evening at a strip club?  

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