> No, it's the men who hide behind faux feminism 

With you as the sole judge of what's faux and what's fer real real no
doubt.  I'm gunna have to go with the actual rather than virtual women
in my world on this one, sorry.  And sorry to say I'm also not gunna
run them by your official judgment first.

and> self-righteously >

Ouch!  Gotta get in the digs don'tcha.  Feel better now?

<insist they and their "brothers">

I could almost hear you spit that word out.  So you can express
solidarity with women but if I do it with certain men I am
contemptible.  I see a pattern here.

> are not the enemy, who close their eyes and ears
> to what's going on

Or have a different opinion to what is going on.  How about that option?

 while fatuously proclaiming their
> innocence and good intentions.
> Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis.

You are easily stunned.

 You've seen the> misogynistic vomit>

I've seen people jerking your chain. You're predictability is stunning
Judy. SNAP!

(including death threats)

I'm with Turk on this one.  How about some proof on this?  

 hurled> at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
> post here,

And you would like some special treatment perhaps?  Very feminist! 
Right on sista, special protective treatment for all women so they can
be equal.  "attempt to post here?"  WTF, Raunchy seems to be doing
just fine.

 not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
> and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.

Did people on a public forum say bad things about public people? 
that's a first.  Thanks for pointing that out, I'll get right on
stopping all of that immediately. I'm just glad to hear than male
public figures have not been subjected to this kind of verbal assault.
(with the possible exception of my calling Guru Dev a hobo) 
> You have no excuse.

And your assumption that I need one show one of the many differences
in how we approach other people Judy.

You are running old school feminism that verges on being a man hater.
 Good luck with that strategy. I think it is time to put you BF online
so we can determine if you have damaged our brother's self-esteem with
your aggressive form of assumptively judgmental feminism.  

I'll buy the negative effect of language on young women who are
forming their identity.  But at our ages we have no excuse for being
so touchy that we equate language with actual physical violence to
women.  You are missing a critical distinction in your zeal to make 
men wrong. 

See ya at the Wymin's Djimbe drum circle at Dupont Circle in D.C. 
Everyone is gunna get tribal tattoo armbands and talk about how
terribly Guy Ritchie treated Madonna over a steamy cup of miso. 



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > The guys you are dogging out all have
> > loving relationships with the women in their lives
> Whether it's even the case that all the men on this
> forum *have* women in their lives, the fact is that a
> large percentage of men who abuse women would smugly
> declare they had "loving relationships" with those
> women.
>  and you ought to
> > trust your sisters on the ground about these men.
> I don't believe we've heard from your girlfriend
> lately, or any of the wives or girlfriends (or even
> the one-night stands) of the men on this forum. What
> "sisters on the ground" are there for us to "trust"
> with regard to the behavior of the men on FFL?
> We see how the men here treat *us*. And we see how
> our "sisters on the ground" are treated in the
> quotes raunchydog posted. We see how Hillary and
> Sarah Palin and Cindy McCain and Jackie Kennedy
> have been treated here.
> > The ones you should watch IMO, hide behind religious piety
> > and their purity from "low" desires.
> No, it's the men who hide behind faux feminism and
> self-righteously insist they and their "brothers"
> are not the enemy, who close their eyes and ears
> to what's going on while fatuously proclaiming their
> innocence and good intentions.
> Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis. You've seen the
> misogynistic vomit (including death threats) hurled
> at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
> post here, not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
> and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.
> You have no excuse.

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