--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> > The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
> > indeed the one in which he made the death threats
> > to which I was referring, as he knew from the
> > start: "Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live"
> > and "If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
> > Obama activism at this point, something more
> > drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
> > actually bursting into flame."
> These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.

Judy still hasn't gotten the joke.

The whole "bursting into flame" routine 
was a setup for the final "liar, liar,
pants on fire" reference.

But if she chooses TO burst into flame
spontaneously, I will be happy to credit
her -- for the first time -- with having
mastered at least one of the siddhis.
True, the "make an ash of yourself" siddhi
is not considered one of the useful ones,
but it's not exactly chopped liver.

> In related news, a poll conducted at bellweather
> Internet chat site Fairfield Life indicates that the
> popularity rating on that site for posters Raunchydog
> and Judy Stein (considered representative of Republican
> tactics) has dropped in the last week from the next-to-
> lowest Category Y ("Strident revenge harpies from Hell")
> to the lowest possible Category Z ("Dumb angry cunts
> too stupid to live.")
> Experts are studying the possibility that, since there
> is no lower level to sink to in terms of favorability
> ratings, if Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
> Obama activism at this point, something more drastic
> may happen to the two activists -- actually bursting
> into flame.
> Scientists from MUM have been called in to watch the
> situation and study it in terms of the Maharishi Effect.
> If, as theorized, Raunchydog and Judy Stein DO get so
> uncontrollably angry that they burst into flames, teams
> of scientists are in place to capture the event on film
> so that it can later be analyzed to see if, as described
> in the Vedas, the spontaneous combustion event really
> does start in their pants.

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